Paddington returns to Peru to visit his beloved Aunt Lucy, who now lives at the Bear Retirement Home. With the Brown family in tow, a thrilling adventure begins when a mystery takes them on an unexpected journey. The director of the previous two films, Paul King, decided not to direct this installment. However, he pitched the idea for this third film and was involved as an executive producer. On the Graham Norton Show: Billy Crystal/Emily Mortimer/Hugh Bonneville/Pharrell Williams/Michael Kiwanuka (2024). If, like me, you agree that the first two Paddington films are among the greatest films ever made, this one will be both a welcome disappointment and a disappointment. Because it’s not about Paddington adjusting to living with a family in London or how a normal family adjusts to life with a bear, it loses its original charm and certainly its humor. This is just another jungle adventure film… but with a bear. It has a different feel, more sentimental and certainly less entertaining. While the first two were fun for a decrepit old Marx Brothers fan like me, this is definitely more of a family film clearly aimed at kids. I could say we need more of the Brown family and their neighbors… I could even say we need Sally Hawkins, but what’s the point? We had all that in the first two and since they were… dare I say perfect, there’s no point in trying to copy them. So yeah, this is different, it’s horribly sentimental at times and not funny at all, but it’s still Paddington. Routine family fun rather than cutesy hilarious extravaganza.